Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is Pluto Kiss? An Introduction.

An Introduction--

Hi there, I am Moni of the legion Pluto Kiss. Deilax and I started this legion as a way of bringing together the more tactical minded Daevas in Elyos. We believe in promoting small, tight-nit and well balanced groups who work well together. We see this legion becoming a small special operations brigade with closed recruiting, meaning, we will only recruit PCs who we have personally grouped with and talented Daevas who have shown strong traits of leadership, patience and maturity. We hope to team up with larger legions who are waging expansion campaigns in the abyss to ensure Elysea will always control the majority of the abyss.

What is Pluto Kiss?--

This name holds a few different meanings for us, the first being a reference to the alternate reality/universe of .hack (if you are unfamiliar with this project, go here: ) The story of .hack has been a favorite of ours over the years as we have experienced different MMORPGs since the first MMOs were made (even up until the release of Everquest, I was playing Multi-User Dungeons through telnet game servers). Though "The World" was a fictional MMORPG in an alternate reality, the background story has always intrigued me as I watch gaming technology evolve year after year, which brings me to the name;

From the .hack wiki:
"Pluto's Kiss (冥王の口づけ) is a catastrophic event that took place on December 24, 2005. On that day, all computers connected to the Internet crashed simultaneously around the globe. Additionally, all networked computer and communication network control systems were shut down.

In the United States, the automatic retaliatory systems malfunctioned, in a short time reaching a point of crisis. 77 minutes later, the global network was able to recover itself from the incident but the resulting chaos caused the United States' nuclear defence and automated counter-strike systems to be armed.

It was later discovered that the virus creator was a ten-year-old elementary school student, living in Los Angeles, California.

The incident was so damaging that United States President, Jim Stonecold, later resigned from office in January 2006 after taking full responsibility for the incident.

Ever since then, ALTIMIT OS has been the only major operating system in the world; this is credited to its remarkable stability."

Aside from the apparent reference to this virus in the .hack alternate reality, the deeper esoteric name of this virus must be pointed out. IRL, I am a student of symbolism and it is apparent that there is an astrological significance to the name which I find quite appropriate for.

In Astrology, the planet (or dwarf planet, whatever camp you happen to fall into) is considered to be a catalyst when it moves through the different houses of the zodiac.

From the article-- ( )

How does Pluto influence and change society in general?:
During its long journey through a constellation, the essence of that sign becomes a kind of change-agent. With transiting Pluto in Sagittarius, a fire sign, other fire sign planets will be lit up and inspired to fulfill their potential. There is a burning away of falsehoods, so that truth can rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. Sagittarius is the clear-sighted visionary, and the one that shakes off heavy emotionality or dense physical concerns to evolve in a speedy way. Intuitive leaps can be made on a collective level that are life-affirming for all of humanity.

What is the meaning of Pluto in Astrology?:

In the birth chart, Pluto shows the area of life where you'll personally face the intense powers of creation and destruction. It's the doorway through which volatile compressed pockets of self, spirit and primal energy lies hidden, which are released either by our own efforts or by provocation from the outside world.

Pluto's energy will not be suppressed but its power is often feared. This can put you in a showdown between your greatest fears of being destroyed, and the pursuit of the deepest longing in your heart. The Ego holds to its defenses, but Pluto tries to urge you to let go, and surrender to become a new person.

Pluto rules Scorpio with its province being death and rebirth. There's a Sufi saying, "Die many times before you die," and Pluto's lessons hold out promise of emerging from the flames a new person. When chaotic events shake us at the foundations, it could be Pluto provoking change at the fundamental level. We might not think we exist without the ground beneath us, our sense of who we are, but if we're brave, we come to discover there is life after this kind of ego-death.

Pluto also governs power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination, and of course, personal power. It shows up when perfectly capable people end up under the thumb of someone else's control. Facing down the control and manipulation of others, especially parents, can make us weak in the knees. But once we do this, we are changed forever.

You can either be at the mercy of Pluto's provocation to change, or you can take matters into your own hands. It can be humbling to look soberly at the area of life in which you feel powerless, worked over, dissed by the Universe -- but by doing this, you can try to understand and alter your own reactions. You still might be brought to your knees, but while there you'll rest assured that Pluto's dark and punishing face is that of a tough, but loving teacher, leading you toward a more authentic experience of yourself.

We, as a legion, hope to be a fundamental element of change wherever we may find ourselves on the battlefield. The war in the Abyss cannot be won by brute force alone, there must be a balance of all the talents the different classes of Daeva's have to offer. This blog is to offer tactical insight to our legion members as well as those who may be interested in joining our ranks and to also give a glimpse of the greater experiences there are to be found in "The World" of Aion by joining a quality legion like Pluto Kiss. Though we demand a lot of our members, the primary purpose of Pluto Kiss is to ensure you have a more enjoyable experience than you would playing solo or with an over-sized legion with little to no order. We expect our members to maintain common Internet etiquette and to maintain a drama-free environment.

Deilax and I will update with our personal experiences as well as topics of discussion in order to open up a platform for a free exchange of ideas, be it from battling in groups, upgrading your loadout or improving your craft of choice. We hope this will be a thought provoking portal to immerse you deeper into Aion.

How do I join Pluto Kiss?--

One does not simply walk into a position of influence; if you are on the Yustiel server and are interested in joining Pluto Kiss, please contact either Deilax or myself and we will set up an appointment to see if you have what it takes to be a part of our ranks. We look forward to meeting you!

P.S. (If you are wondering, WE ARE NOT A ROLE PLAYING LEGION, though we also do not look down upon it either. We realize that there is a life outside of Aion and we understand having a healthy balance of spending time in-game and out. We also do not want to ignore the fact that you are your own person outside of Aion as we believe your personal traits also contribute to the legion as well. We also realize that you may have several alts that are different gender than you are IRL, and we don't expect you to have to act the gender of your character.)

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